Alinco Dr 135 Programming Software Free

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CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. APK-135 Programming Software for the Alinco DR-135 CTCSS Rx CTCSS DCS Step Busy Channel Lockout Priority Channel Comments Receive Frequency Transmit Frequency Offset Frequency Offset Direction Operating Mode Name Tone Mode Memory Channel Functions (left to right) The APK-135 Programmer is designed to give you the ease. APK-135 Programming Software for the Alinco DR-135 CTCSS Rx CTCSS DCS Step Busy Channel Lockout Priority Channel Comments Receive Frequency Transmit Frequency Offset Frequency Offset Direction Operating Mode Name Tone Mode Memory Channel Functions (left to right) The APK-135 Programmer is designed to give you the ease.

  1. Alinco-programming-Interface.pdf
  2. Alinco DX-77.rar
  3. Alinco Dr 135 Programming Software Free Version

Bob Witte, KØNR
16 Nov 2003


Warning: This documentapplies to the original Alinco DR-135TP...a newer version has been recentlyintroduced-- the 'MK II'. I don't know what, if any, changes have beenmade to the TNC.

This document captures some of the things that I learned whilegetting my Alinco DR-135TP (with optional internal EJ-41U TNC) to function onAPRS® and packet radio. The documentation that comes with the radio is a bitthin, so perhaps this will help someone else getting started. The DR-135instruction manual can be found on the Alinco web site.

APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Brunina WB4APR, which stands for Automatic Position Reporting System. The APRS specification is available from the TAPR web site.

My main use of this radio and the focus for this article isAPRS. You may learn something about APRS in this article but it is not intendedto be an APRS tutorial. See the introductoryarticle at for more information on APRS.Also, this article is mainly concerned with how to configure the radio and TNCfor basic operation using terminal emulator commands. If you are using softwaresuch as UI-View, WinAPRS, etc. then the radio configuration is handled for youby the software (maybe :-).


Basic Configuration


First, you need to get the TNC inside the DR-135TP talking toyour computer. A serial cable with 9-pin connectors on both ends and a terminalemulation program are normally required. I am not going into a lot of detailhere as serial connections are notoriously messy but relatively well-understood.In other words, go elsewhere to find out how to troubleshoot a serialconnection. I used the standard MS Windows terminal emulation program'HyperTerminal' (under Programs, Accessories, Communications).

To verify that your TNC/radio is talking to the computer,cycle power on the radio and you should see a power-up reset message that lookslike this:

CBT, Inc.
OptoSuite Lite - Basic support

OptoSuite Pro - Growth path for advanced features

OptoSuite X - X Sweeper support

If you came here looking for Alinco or Optoelectronics product software you came to the right place.

Here are some general email contact links:

The new web site is under construction so here is a simple information and shopping page.

Use the 'Buy Now' buttons to make secure purchases through either your credit card or PayPal account.

All of our Alinco software is available through any Alinco dealer. We encourage you to support Alinco dealers. For those who wish to we can do business directly.

Here are the software packages for programming all of your settings for Alinco radios. These packages are high quality commercially developed software. This is the easiest way to program your Alinco radio. The software covers all of the many radio settings in a very easy to read and concise format. These packages are software only. You must already have a cable or obtain one from any Alinco dealer. The Alinco part number is ERW-4. The Alinco Programming Software:

  • Allows you to set all of the Alinco radio settings from your PC.
  • Supports full import/export of memory settings including import from the TravelPlus repeater directory.
  • Allows you to set the Channel Indication Mode features not shown in the instruction manual.
  • Lets you keep multiple sets of radio settings for different needs and different areas.
  • Lets you keep those multiple radio settings neatly organized on your PC.
  • Provides a nice backup of your Alinco Radio settings on your PC.
  • Prints out concise reports of your radio's settings for easy filing.
  • Allows you to clone your radio around the block or around the world by sharing settings files.
  • Runs on a PC under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, or 7 (64-bit and 32-bit).
The sample DR-135 screen shots are representative of all of the software packages.

Here are sample screen shots of the real live software for the DR-135:

CBTI Alinco Mobile Pack 2
This package supports the following radios:

  • DR-135
  • DR-235
  • DR-435
  • DR-620
  • DR-635

Alinco DX-77.rar

CBTI Alinco Handheld Pack 2
This package supports the following radios:

Alinco Dr 135 Programming Software Free Version

  • DJ-196 (DJ-193, DJ-195, DJ-196)
  • DJ-296 (DJ-296)
  • DJ-496 (DJ-438, DJ-493, DJ-496)
  • DJ-596 (DJ-593, DJ-596, DJ-520, DJ-530)
  • DJ-C7

Alinco Pack Price and Shipping

Alinco Packs are $39.99 USD each plus shipping costs

OptoSuite Lite - Basic support

Finally! No more need for ancient DOS utilities to manage your Optoelectronics devices! Here is the software package for programming all of your settings and managing data for the very popular Optoelectronics Scout, Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, M1, CD100, and Xplorer. Six great Optoelectronics devices are supported all on one CD-ROM offering. This is high quality commercially developed software. This is the easiest way to interface your computer to your Optoelectronics devices. The software covers all device settings in a very easy to read and concise format. The software is built for use under Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7. This package is software only. You must already have the proper cabling or obtain what you need from either Optoelectronics or many amateur radio dealers according to your needs. Device connection requirements are outlined below.

  • Read, manage and clear your device memories.
  • Work with memory downloads, logging data, and bandplan data in easy to use spreadsheet format.
  • Flexible data editing capabilities, including Cut, Copy, and Paste, and row/column manipulation.
  • Standard Windows button bar gives fast access to commonly used software functions.
  • Append user notes to memory downloads, logging data, and bandplan data.
  • Memory data can be exported for later use, used with spreadsheet software for further manipulation and analysis, and shared with others.
  • Exported memory downloads, logging data, and bandplan data can be re-imported for editing.
  • Export data is in standard comma separated value format for integration with other software.
  • Frequency, numeric and date information is saved according to your regional settings.
  • Extend the device's live display to your computer display.
  • Live display shows more information concurrently than some devices can such as signal strength, squelch status, and bandplan data along with the desired frequency information.
  • Log reaction tune hits from your device in real time.
  • Set Scout, Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, M1, and CD100 settings from your computer.
  • Save multiple sets of device settings for different needs neatly organized on your computer.
  • Print concise reports of your device settings, memories, logging hits, and bandplan data for easy reference.
  • Runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or 7 (64-bit and 32-bit).

This is release 1.4 of the software and already we are hard at work on updates to expand the features of this package. Contact us for upgrade fee rates. We provide detailed information about the software here so that you can make an informed decision and understand what you are buying. We work closely with Optoelectronics to help assure the highest possible quality software that is compatible with your Optoelectronics devices.

Remember that you get the software for the Scout, Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, M1, CD100, and Xplorer all on one CD-ROM.

The sample Digital Scout screen shots are representative of all of the included software utilities.

Here are sample screen shots of the real live software for the Digital Scout:

OptoSuite Lite Price and Shipping

OptoSuite Lite is $89.99 USD plus shipping costs.

OptoSuite Pro - Growth path for advanced features

Here is the advanced software package for programming all of your settings and managing data for the very popular Optoelectronics Scout, Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, M1, CD100, and Xplorer. Six great Optoelectronics devices are supported all on one CD-ROM offering. The software is built for use under Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista. This package is software only. You must already have the proper cabling or obtain what you need from either Optoelectronics or many amateur radio dealers according to your needs. Device connection requirements are outlined below.

  • Includes device coverage and features of OptoSuite Lite:
    • Scout, Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, M1, CD100, and Xplorer all on one CD-ROM.
  • Added advanced features:
    • Show signal level in common relative dBm units.
    • LiveLog records frequency hits in real time.
    • LiveLog records reaction tune hits from multiple devices simultaneously as well as logging ICOM transceive function commands.
    • Captures the CI-V device address for all downloads and LiveLog hits.
    • HitFilter eliminates undesired real time frequency hits captured by LiveLog through customized include/exclude processing.
    • Excluded HitFilter real time frequency hits are optionally logged for later analysis.
  • Runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or 7 (64-bit and 32-bit).

OptoSuite Pro Price and Shipping

OptoSuite Pro is $129.99 USD plus shipping costs.

OptoSuite X -
X Sweeper support

Here is the advanced software package for programming all of your settings and managing data for the Optoelectronics X Sweeper.. The software is built for use under Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista. This package is software only. The X Sweeper already comes with the proper serial cable. See the device connection requirements outlined below for logging reaction tune hits.

  • Read, manage and clear device memories.
  • Work with memory downloads and logging data in easy to use spreadsheet format.
  • Flexible data editing capabilities, including Cut, Copy, and Paste, and row/column manipulation.
  • Standard Windows button bar gives fast access to commonly used software functions.
  • Append notes to memory downloads, and logging data.
  • Memory data can be exported for later use, used with spreadsheet software for further manipulation and analysis, and shared with others.
  • Exported memory downloads and logging data can be re-imported for editing.
  • Export data is in standard comma separated value format for integration with other software.
  • Frequency, numeric and date information is saved according to your regional settings.
  • Extend the device's live display to your computer display.
  • Live display shows more information concurrently than some devices can such as signal strength, and squelch status along with the desired frequency information.
  • Show signal level in common relative dBm units.
  • Log reaction tune hits from devices in real time.
  • LiveLog records frequency hits in real time.
  • LiveLog records reaction tune hits from multiple devices simultaneously as well as logging ICOM transceive function commands.
  • Captures the CI-V device address for all downloads and LiveLog hits.
  • HitFilter eliminates undesired real time frequency hits captured by LiveLog through customized include/exclude processing.
  • Excluded HitFilter real time frequency hits are optionally logged for later analysis.
  • Set X Sweeper settings from your computer.
  • Save multiple sets of device settings for different needs neatly organized on your computer.
  • Print concise reports of device settings, memories, and logging hits for easy reference.
  • Runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or 7 (64-bit and 32-bit).

We work closely with Optoelectronics to help assure the highest possible quality software that is compatible with your Optoelectronics X Sweeper. This is the easiest way to interface your computer to the Optoelectronics X Sweeper.

OptoSuite X Price and Shipping

OptoSuite X is $159.99 USD plus shipping costs.

Optoelectronics Device Connection

Connection Data

Device Jack Software Functions
Scout CI-5 Memories, Options, Display, Logging
Spectrum Scout RS-232 Memories, Options, User Database 1, User Database 2, Display
' ' CI-5 Logging
Digital Scout RS-232 Memories, Options, Display
' ' CI-5 Logging
M1 CI-5 Memories, Options, Display
CD100 CI-5 Memories, Options, Display, Logging
Xplorer RS-232 Memories, Options, LiveLog supported here on new style Xplorer
' CI-5 Logging
X Sweeper RS-232 Memories, Options, Display
' CI-5 LiveLog

Jack Cabling
RS-232 Optoelectronics CBDS for Spectrum Scout, Digital Scout, and newer Xplorer designs
RS-232 Optoelectronics DIN to serial cable for original Xplorer designs(Was originally supplied with the Xplorer)
CI-5 Optoelectronics Optolinx
CI-5 Optoelectronics CX-12
CI-5 ICOM OPC-478 with added mini stereo to sub-mini mono adapter
CI-5 ICOM OPC-478U with added mini stereo to sub-mini mono adapter

USB to Serial Port adapters may be used to interface RS-232 connections to a USB port for use with the software. The ICOM OPC-478U was used successfully during software development for USB to CI-5 interfacing. The MFJ-5429 RS-232 to USB adapter cable was also used successfully in combination with the Optoelectronics CBDS cable.

The quality of USB to Serial Port adapters varies considerably due to physical design, timing, and software driver issues. Be aware that many USB cable manufacturers have not updated their USB driver software for Windows Vista. Before deciding that a given adapter does not work be certain to check driver configuration parameters and download the latest driver updates. The com port chosen in the software must match the com port assigned by the adapter's driver software. Do not configure serial port parameters such as baud rate or parity as these are controlled by the software.

Device Setup Requirements


On Scouts where there is a choice you must select a communications language of CI-5. The AR8000 setting is not compatible with the software. Normal mode must be set for operation with the Memories, Options and Display functions. Reaction tuning mode (active with either filter or capture mode) must be selected for operation with the Logging function. The software automatically seeks the address of Scouts which are not configured to the default address.

Spectrum Scout

Interface type must be set to remote control for operation with the Memories, Options, User Database 1, User Database 2, and Display functions. Interface type must be set to reaction tune for operation with the Logging function. Furthermore the receiver type must be set to CI5 for operation with the Logging function. The AR8000 and PCR1000 settings are not compatible with the software. When changing the interface type setting it is best to turn the device off and then back on for use

Digital Scout

Interface type must be set to CI-5 for operation with the Memories, Options and Display functions. Interface type must be set to reaction tune for operation with the Logging function. Furthermore the receiver type must be set to CI5 for operation with the Logging function. The AR8000 and PCR1000 settings are not compatible with the software.


The M1 does not require any specific settings for operation with the Memories, Options and Display functions. Since the M1 does not support reaction tuning the Logging function is not supported.


The CD100 does not require any specific settings for operation with the Memories, Options and Display functions. Receiver type must be set to CI-5 for operation with the Logging function. The AR8000 setting is not compatible with the software.


All Xplorers support the Memories, Options and Logging functions. Some early model Xplorers have an interface parameter which must be set to CI-5 from configuration mode. These same early model Xplorers must also configure the baud rate parameter to 9600. Newer model Xplorers do not have these configuration parameters and will operate by default with the software. The software automatically seeks the address of early model Xplorers which are not configured to the default address. The Xplorer does not support the Display function. New style Xplorers send reaction tune commands out both the CI-5 and RS-232 connections so Live Log will work with either connection.

X Sweeper

Interface type must be set to remote control for operation with the Memories, Options, and Display functions. Interface type must be set to reaction tune for operation with the LiveLog function. Furthermore the receiver type must be set to CI-5 for operation with the Live Log function. The AR8000 and PCR1000 settings are not compatible with the software. When changing the interface type setting it is best to turn the device off and then back on for use.

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